At, we assist you in securing mentions in both local and global media, facilitating the verification process on Instagram to earn the coveted blue badge for personal and business accounts.

Why the Blue Badge Matters:

  • Profile Prestige: Elevate your profile's credibility and visibility with the blue check on Instagram.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Gain more trust and credibility from your audience and potential followers.
  • Linking Opportunities: Add clickable links to your Stories, even if your account has fewer than 10,000 subscribers.


  • Your account must adhere to Instagram's guidelines.
  • Avoid activities violating user policies, such as mass linking or mass following.

Having a verified account on Instagram offers significant marketing benefits. Business accounts gain visibility, allowing for strategic sales and advertising opportunities, including the ability to share links in stories and posts. Increased visibility builds trust and loyalty among the audience, fostering a strong and loyal customer base.

Let us help you enhance your online presence and credibility with the Instagram blue badge!


🕒 Save Time: Explore our marketplace of flexible news websites for effortless sponsored content placements.

📰 Quality Media: Share your story and PR materials authentically with top news publishers and influencers globally.

🎯 Targeted Reach: Reach your audience directly by publishing stories on sites tailored to your demographic.

💰 Save Money: Pay only for posts on selected websites—no monthly charges or hidden fees.